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Display Ad Templating Made Simple

Display ads are uncomplicated compared to most web technologies, but still today there's no simple way to create and edit them.

There are advanced software solutions and libraries for HTML5 ads that have steep learning curves and countless limitations. The capabilities of these platforms allow you to create great banner ads, but none enable you to maintain them.

And at the end of the day many platforms shackle you with media vendor lock in.

Display Lab is a user-first display ad CMS for Developers and Media Managers.

Creating templates as a developer is as simple as using HTML5, CSS, and JS with a <1kB SDK. Creating ads from a custom or premade template as a media manager is made easy with a live preview WYSIWYG editor that requires no training or past experience.

If you're tired of wasting time on a 300x250 box, then Display Lab is for you and your team.

Learn more about Display Lab and stay in the loop.